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(Toby) So I changed my mind, so what?! Finally, I have given Louis his page on the website. (Louis) Woooo hoooo! I got through to him! Oh wonderful life, I feel good! Now to get serious    =I    Now to add funny quotes from CRAZY newspapers! Yay!

Hey folks!!!
After a while, I got bored, so I went off to look at other sites. The dancing robot told me off, so told him it was for the site... I still can't believe he trusted me! I found this REALLY cool webcomic called Misfile. Try it. And if you don't like it, sue me. Or not.
Anyhow, I found some more comics, links below.

Cool comic, read cutewendy from the link on girly page.


Golden Buddha greets mayor
Halifax evening courier 7th November 2003
Bishop McCormack says he will do all he can to help abuse victims
Lewiston (ME) Evening Journal, 15th November 2003
Extreme bugs found in Slag
BBC News, 19th November 2003
Washing killed our mam
Sunderland Echo, 24th November 2003
British are Aliens, rules high court
Adelaide Advertiser, 10 Dec 2003
Picture above. I'm sure you saw it, but take another look. Funny, isnt it?
Noddy Is Attacked by Basil Brush
Financial times, 8th December 2003
Gas On Uranus
10th December 2003