Toby and also Louis (dancing robot team)- We enjoy Tae
Kwon Do, a Korean martial art. I am currently at blue belt but hope to get black tag. I have been going for almost two
years now. Martial arts are great because they help you gain self-control and discipline and you get alot of exercise.
Louis has just started, so I beat him up every training session.
Andrew (dancing robot team)- I do
bellringing my church. I get paid about £8 a wedding a ring at in the summer. Practice is on Monday nights. I enjoy it because
I get money for it and it helps build up those arm muscles.
Phil (dancing robot team)- I do fencing in my leisure time.
It helps me gain control and I also have alot of fun. I'm also very good so those who compete against me better watch out!
Luke (dancing robot team)- I just sit and play on my PS2. Ahhhh, good old Vice City.
Leanne Davis, Coventry- My hobbies are: reading books, horse riding, listing to music,
shopping and playing the clarinet ("I do that too!"- Toby).