Rune Robot

Common Scams

Common Scams
Simple Quest guides
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Weapons list
Louis' Mining Guide
Toby's Armoury

Ever been scammed? Well here's your chance to get even. Just mail us at with the subject 'Scammer' and tell us your runescape name, how you were scammed and what the scammer's name is. Anyone that knows these donkeys, do everyone a favour and smash in their faces with whatever you see fit. Possibly big. And Rune. And... Well, you get the picture. Just hurt them bad.
Yea! Kill 'em till they're dead!(Rune Robot)

Known scams:
Armour trimmers - Don't give these abominations your armour! They just nick it and run. The team felt it was important to say once and for all, PLAYERS CANNOT TRIM ARMOUR...Understand?
'Congratulations, you have just won
1 million gp from our random give away' - Right...Some level 30 has 1 million gp, questionable. Next, they haven't met you once before, but still want to give you this large amount of money. Oh, and they forgot to tell you one vital thing... 'I work for Jagex so need your password to transfer the money to your account'. Ok, here you thing you know, your pride and joy is gone...FOR GOOD! Just report them please!
'Trust test' - They ask for something valuable and promise to give it back. If you do this you are allowed to join the best clan! WRONG! They take your item and log out. No clan for you. No expensive item for. In fact...nothing for you.

Designed by Fruitcake119